Home > Above ground pools
Above ground pool opening & startup
1) Remove the cover
   *Clear leaves and other large debris off cover
   *Pump standing water off of cover
   *Pull cover off; wash, dry, and fold for summer storage
2) Raise the water level
   Add water to the pool until it reaches 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up the skimmer
3) Remove winter plugs and gizzmos
   Replace return outlet fittings and skimmer connections
4) Hook up filter system
   *Reconnect filter and pump to the pool
   *Reattach all hoses and electrical connections
5) Turn on filter system
   *If you did not clean the filter when you closed the pool for winter, clean it now
   *Prime the pump, and switch on the system
   *If you own a DE system, add new DE powder
   *Check the system – Is the pressure gauge working? Do you see any leaks?
6) Assess the pool
   *Remove large debris with a net; vacuum up dirt, algae, and small debris
   *Add shock at a rate of 1 gallon or 1 pound of shock per 10,000 gallons of pool water
   *Add a dose of algaecide
   *Add chlorine tabs to the chlorinator, floater, or skimmer basket
As soon as possible, bring a sample of pool water to Splash Pool Supply for a detailed analysis. After the winter, all of your chemical levels will probably be low.